Reach the Potential Client Long Before Your Competition and Drive New Business and Brand Awareness wherever you Choose! 

Do you need an effective but affordable option to build your Probate practice?

Is paying ten, twenty or maybe even thirty dollars per click unreasonable?

Who Are We?

We’re a full service marketing and data agency and our team will do all the heavy lifting to help you grow your practice. Take advantage of our exclusive data and mailing service at a fraction of the cost of the other guys!


Compare and save!

Take a look at the cost to get in front of potential clients on Google.

Our prices are pennies compared to Search Engines like Google! Just think that’s per click and you’re not guaranteed any information for the click but you still pay for it!


Even more importantly you’re in the middle of a bidding war that constantly drives the cost to do business through the roof.

We provide “Pre-Probate” or trust owned real estate data. No one else has this data and we use this data to help estate litigators, probate litigators and trust litigators build and expand their law practices.

Our services are so fluid you’ll feel like we’re in the office next door. We do all the work while saving you money and removing you from competing in the crowded field where your competition lives and breath’s.

How does it work?

Step 1

Our expert researchers compile a comprehensive list of targeted Pre-Probate Data. This Data is not compiled from court house filings like everybody else’s but from the nationwide obituary files!

Step 2

Our mailing service will prepare and send out our custom tailored legal advertisement to our targeted Pre-Probate Data.

Step 3

We’ll provide tracking and other premium services to expand and grow your practice!


Set an Appointment

  • Make an appointment with our Experts.
  • Reach: Let’s strategize about the zip codes you want to leverage.
  • Exposure: Let’s discuss which areas you’d like to concentrate your target marketing and branding in.